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Water Quality Monitoring Events

This map shows the station locations where the Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration monitoring staff are visiting to collect water quality and biological samples. Site visits are updated in real time along with a display of site information, and number of site visits. It includes the monitoring locations and information for Strategic Monitoring, Status and Trend Networks, Basin Management Plan and Reference Site, and Event Response monitoring. The three tabs at the bottom display surface water, groundwater, and event response separately. 

Water quality monitoring is the activity by which information is gathered to determine if the conditions of streams, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters, and aquifers are suitable for swimming, fishing or drinking. Monitoring is achieved in many ways that include information collected from the waters to evaluate the chemical condition, physical condition and biological measurements. Samples are taken from the waters so that laboratory scientists can measure the chemicals such as nitrogen and iron, as well as bacteria, so that the health of the system can be assessed. Observations and measurements are taken of the physical condition, such as temperature, flow, sediments, and erosion of the stream banks, that can detect a disturbance in the area contributed by a potential pollution source.

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Measurements of plants, wildlife and habitat within the waters are also used to monitor water condition. There are varying objectives for water quality monitoring. They include identifying water quality problems, measuring changes over time, establishing statewide water quality, evaluating restoration goals and impacts of land use activities, assessing compliance with pollution regulations, and responding to episodic events, such as chemical spills or algal blooms.

For more information on monitoring to determine water quality problems, please click here.

For more information on monitoring water quality changes over time, please click here.

For more information on monitoring statewide water quality, please click here.

For more information on restoration goals, please click here.

For more information on restoration plans, please click here.

Please Contact:
Alicia Hogue
Last Modified:
October 27, 2022 - 10:12am

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