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MSGP Sector Specific Guidance

These documents were published as a guide only and it does not include all the applicable legal requirements. Facility Operators are responsible for obtaining complete information about applicable regulations.

The primary purpose of these guidance documents are to assist with making determinations on sector specific applicability. For the full sector specific language please review the applicable segment of the Multi-Sector Generic Permit (MSGP). (The link will take you to the FULL MSGP. To obtain the language for only a one or more sectors, or for assistance with permit applicability and sector specific determinations, please contact the NPDES Stormwater Notices Center.)

The department does not relieve any person from any requirements of federal regulations or Florida law through these guides. As these document are only guides, facilities may find that some aspects contained in these publication may not be applicable in their case.

  • Sector A Timber Products Facilities
  • Sector B Pulp and Allied Products Manufacturing
  • Sector C Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing Facilities
  • Sector D Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials Manufacturers and Lubricant Manufacturers
  • Sector E Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Manufacturing Facilities
  • Sector F Primary Metals Facilities
  • Sector G Metal Mining Facilities (Ore Mining and Dressing)
  • Sector H Coal Mines and Coal Mining-Related Facilities
  • Sector I  Oil and Gas Extraction Facilities
  • Sector J  Mineral Mining and Processing Facilities
  • Sector K Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities
  • Sector L  Landfills and Land Application Sites
  • Sector M Automobile Salvage Yards
  • Sector N Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities
  • Sector O Steam Electric Power Generating Facilities, Including Coal Handing Areas
  • Sector P Land Transportation Facilities
  • Sector Q Water Transportation Facilities
  • Sector R Ship and Boat Repairing
  • Sector S Air Transportation Facilities
  • Sector T Treatment Works Facilities
  • Sector U Food & Kindred Products
  • Sector V Textile Mills, Apparel and Other Fabric Product
  • Sector W Wood and Metal Furniture and Fixture Manufacturing Facilities
  • Sector X Printing and Publishing Facilities
  • Sector Y Rubber Misc. Plastic Products, & Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
  • Sector Z Leather Tanning and Finishing Facilities
  • Sector AA Fabricated Metal Products
  • Sector AB Manufacturers of Transportation Equipment Industrial or Commercial Machinery
Last Modified:
May 31, 2024 - 9:13am

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