Outreach and Funding Announcements

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Grant Forms

Funding Publications

TitleDescriptionDocument Type
Water Resource Funding in FloridaA comprehensive listing of available funding in Florida from DEP and other agencies and entities. (10 pages)Word
Division BrochureFunding Clean Water brochure - Division programs with descriptions and general contact information. PDF
Division Fact SheetDivision program descriptions and specific contact information.  PDF
Funding Assistance for Reclaimed Water Projects in FloridaA document that describes how to use the SRF programs, both Clean Water and Drinking Water, to help fund reuse projects as well as other sources of funding they may be available with contacts and website information. (4 pages)PDF
Funding Assistance for Water Projects in FloridaA document that describes how to use the SRF programs, both Clean Water and Drinking Water, to help fund water projects as well as other sources of funding they may be available with contacts and website information. (4 pages)PDF
Funding Assistance in Florida for Drinking Water Systems with Excessive Lead and CopperA document that briefly discusses the issue of lead and copper in drinking water, some corrective actions and resources for funding those correcting actions in Florida, including the Drinking Water SRF Program. (3 pages)PDF
Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants ProgramA two-page fact sheet containing description of recent rule changes to Chapter 62-505, F.A.C., for Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants as well as general information on the program, including contact information.PDF
Springs Funding GuidanceA 27-page document that provides guidance for the water management districts in their submittal of springs funding requests to the department with a three page cover memo from the director of the Office of Water Policy.PDF
Nonpoint Source Education Materials (Various)A public repository of nonpoint education materials from around the state collected by the Nonpoint Source Management Program's Florida Nonpoint Educators' Network Program.FTP Site


Maps of Projects
Screenshot showing the Non-point Source Projects interactive story map that shows DEP and EPA funded projects.

More DEP Organization Maps.

External Resources

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Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm