Joint Coastal Permit fees are the sum of the fees required by 62B-41.0085, 62-4.050(4)(h),and 18-21.008, .009, or .010, F.A.C. Environmental Resource Permit fees are the sum of the fees required by 62-4.050(4)(h) and 18-21.008, .009, or .010, F.A.C. Fees are reflected below.

For more information regarding these fees, please contact the relevant permit manager.

62B-41.0085, F.A.C. (Coastal Construction Fees)

  1. Applications for construction and major modifications to existing coastal structures, any part of which are sited seaward of mean high-water on sovereignty submerged lands, shall be assessed a fee in accordance with the following schedule:
    • Rigid coastal structures:
      • Up to 100 feet in length - $2,000
      • For each additional 50 feet of length or portion thereof - $500
    • Beach restoration:
      • For first 50,000 cubic yards of fill - $2,000
      • For each additional 50,000 cubic yards of fill, or portion thereof - $500
    • Construction and maintenance dredging of inlets:
      • For the first 10,000 cubic yards of dredged material - $2,000
      • For each additional 10,000 cubic yards of dredged material or portion thereof if such material is placed in an upland or offshore disposal site - $250
      • For each additional 50,000 cubic yards of fill or portion thereof if such material is placed on the beach or approved nearshore area - $500
    • Inlet-related structures, major reconstruction and other major structures and activities: per structure - $1,000
    • Minor structures and activities, minor reconstruction of existing structures, amended applications, permits and administrative approval of each subsequent nourishment or maintenance dredging operation - $500
    • Requests for renewal reviews for long term inlet maintenance dredging permits - $750
    • Requests for time extensions or transfer of existing permits - $100
  2. Permit fees for each individual structure, except minor structures, shall be added together for each application.
  3. The cost for special public notice incident to issuing permits under this Chapter shall be borne by the applicant. If the Department of Environmental Protection incurs any expense, notice to proceed shall not be issued until such costs are reimbursed.
  4. For projects which are cost-shared under Chapter 62B-36, F.A.C., with the state government, the local government may request waiver of that portion of the fee above the local government pro rata share. In no case will the local pro rata share be less than $2,000.
  5. Experimental projects permitted under rule 62B-41.0075 shall be assessed the larger of a fee of $5,000, or the permit fee specified in the appropriate fee schedule above, except the maximum fee shall not exceed $20,000.
  6. The department is authorized to waive the permit application fees for removal, without replacement, of existing derelict coastal structures if a determination is made that they serve no public purpose, endanger human life, health or welfare, or are unnecessary or undesirable.

62-4.050(4)(h), F.A.C. (Permit Fees)

  1. Determination of Qualification for an Activity Exemption
    • Under Rules 62-330.050 and 62-330.051, F.A.C. (de Minimus and Maintenance Dredging) - $100
  2. Determination of Qualification to use a General Permit (See Rule 62-330, F.A.C. for specific qualifying activities.) $250
  3. Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits
    • New Application
      • Total project area of less than 10 acres and less than 1 acre of works in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters and < 10 new boat slips - $420
      • Project exceeds the thresholds of 1 above, but involves a total project area of less than 40 acres, less than 3 acres of works in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters, and less than 30 new boat slips - $1,500
      • Project exceeds the thresholds of 2 above, but involves a project area of less than 100 acres, less than 10 acres of works in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, and less than 50 new boat slips - $5,000
      • Project exceeds the thresholds of 3 above, but involves a project area of less than 640 acres, and less than 50 acres of works in, on or over wetland or other surface waters - $9,000
      • Project exceeds any of the thresholds of IV above - $14,000
    • Major Modifications (exceeding any of the thresholds in subsection 62-330.315(3), F.A.C.) – same fee as a new application for the activity
    • Minor Modifications:
      • Extension of permit duration - $80
      • To correct minor errors that do not involve technical review - $0
      • To transfer ownership of a permit or to transfer the permit to an operation and maintenance entity - $0
      • All other minor modifications - $250
  4. Variances:
    • Under Section 120.542, F.S. - $0
    • Under Section 373.414(17), F.S. - $170

18-21.008, .009, or .010, F.A.C. (Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization Fee)

  • Fee for processing an easement or lease application (FY 2025-2026) - $803.02

The processing fee shall be revised annually on March 1 and increased or decreased based on the average change in the Consumer Price Index, calculated by averaging the Consumer Price Index over the previous five-year period, with a 10 percent cap on any annual increase.

Last Modified: Thursday, Feb 27, 2025 - 01:55pm