SEFCRI Project Reports and Products
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- Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection
- Coral Reef Conservation Program
- SEFCRI Project Reports and Products
Coral Quick links
- Coral Reef Conservation Program Projects
- Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI)
- SEFCRI Technical Advisory Committee
- Awareness and Appreciation Focus Area
- Fishing, Diving and Other Uses Focus Area
- Land Based Sources of Pollution Focus Area
- Maritime Industry and Coastal Construction Impacts Focus Area
- Reef Resilience Focus Area
- Reef Injury Prevention and Response Program
- Southeast Florida Action Network (SEAFAN)
- Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Response Effort
- Coral Reef Ambassador Initiative
- Florida's Coral Reef Webinar Series
- Friends of Our Florida Reefs - Citizen Support Organization
- All Coral content
Many of these reports have a very large file size. It may be necessary to right-click on the file and select "Save as" to save it to your hard drive to view the file. You may also email the Coral Reef Conservation Program at Coral@FloridaDEP.gov to request a written copy.
For color-adjusted maps and GIS information, please send an email to Coral@FloridaDEP.gov
For all meeting information, visit the SEFCRI Meeting Archives page.
Land-Based Sources of Pollution
- Literature Review and Synthesis of Land-Based Sources of Pollution Affecting Essential Fish Habitats in Southeast Florida (2013)
- Watershed Scale Planning to Reduce Land-Based Sources of Pollution (LBSP) for the Protection of Coral Reefs in Southeast Florida (2015)
- Southeast Florida Reef Tract Water Quality Assessment (2019)
- LBSP Combined Projects 1 & 2 - Review of Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Water Quality Standards
- Appendices - Contact Alycia.Shatters@FloridaDEP.gov to obtain appendices.
- LBSP Project 3 & 19 - List of agencies and programs that address LBSP in Southeast Florida
- LBSP Project 4 - Technical Advisory Committee - A Quick Guide to Southeast Florida's Coral Reefs
- For meeting information, visit the SEFCRI Meeting Archives.
- LBSP Project 5 (Phase I) - Southeast Florida Coral Biomarker Local Action Study
- LBSP Project 5 (Phase II) - Southeast Florida Coral Biomarker Local Action Study
- LBSP Project 6 - Broward County Benthic Habitat Mapping
- LBSP Project 7- Palm Beach County Benthic Habitat Mapping
- LBSP Project 8 - Miami-Dade County Benthic Habitat Mapping
- Phase I - Visual Interpretation Bathymetry
- Phase II - Supervised Classification of Single-Beam Hydroacoustic Data
- LBSP Project 9 - Martin County Benthic Habitat Mapping
- LBSP Project 12 - Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project (SECREMP). All data can be accessed from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
- SECREMP Year 1 Final Report (2003)
- SECREMP Year 2 Final Report (2004)
- SECREMP Year 3 Final Report (2005)
- SECREMP Year 4 Final Report (2006)
- SECREMP Year 5 Final Report (2007)
- SECREMP Year 6 Final Report (2008)
- SECREMP Year 7 Final Report (2009)
- SECREMP Year 8 Final Report (2010)
- SECREMP Year 9 Final Report (2011)
- SECREMP Year 10 Final Report (2012)
- SECREMP Year 11 Executive Summary (2013)
- SECREMP Year 12 Final Report (2014)
- SECREMP Year 13 Executive Summary (2015)
- SECREMP Year 14 Final Report (2016)
- SECREMP Year 15 Executive Summary (2017)
- SECREMP Year 16 Fact Sheet (2018)
- SECREMP Year 16 Final Report (2018)
- SECREMP Year 17 Fact Sheet (2019)
- SECREMP Year 17 Executive Summary (2019)
- SECREMP Year 18 Final Report (2020)
- SECREMP Year 18 Fact Sheet (2020)
- SECREMP Year 19 Executive Summary (2021)
- SECREMP Year 19 Final Report (2021)
- SECREMP Year 20 Project Summary (2022)
- SECREMP Year 20 Final Report (2022)
- SECREMP Year 21 Executive Summary (2023)
- SECREMP Year 21 Fact Sheet (2023)
- LBSP Project 17 - Conduct stakeholders meeting(s) to present new LBSP information
- LBSP Project 18 - Determine priority areas that need to be surveyed for additional biological and water quality pollutant indicators
- LBSP Projects 20 & 23 - Develop specific projects (engineering/management actions) for designated hot spots and implement priority engineering/management actions.
- LBSP Project 24 - Educate and Inform Stakeholders on Land-Based Sources of Pollution Impacts on Coral Reefs
- LBSP Project 25 - Establish a long-term water quality monitoring program in the SEFCRI geographic region
- LBSP Project 27 - Investigation of coastal hydrogeology utilizing geophysical and geochemical tools along the Broward County coast, Florida
- LBSP Projects 28 & 29 - Determine flux of pollutants exiting offshore wastewater outfall pipes (28) and inlets (29) and net flux to reef communities
- Phase II (Outfalls) - Antibiotic Resistance: Southeast Florida and Florida Keys Antibiotic Resistance Study Final Project Report 2019
- LBSP Project 32 - Using Cyanobacteria and Macroalgae Stable Isotopes as Anthropogenic Point and Non-Point Source Nutrient Indicators
- LBSP Project 32a - The Origin of Nitrogen Isotope Values in Algae
- LBSP Project 33 - Identify sources and signals of land-based pollutants in SE FL using human enteroviruses as and indicator of fecal contamination
Awareness and Appreciation
- AA Projects 1 & 5 - Develop a marketable identify and website for SEFCRI
- AA Projects 2 & 13 - Create and distribute a briefing and media kit containing info on Southeast Florida coral reef ecosystem and SEFCRI
- AA Projects 3 & 16 - Develop tent cards and informative door hangers for coastal hotel rooms
- AA Project 4 - Develop a portable exhibit that can be displayed throughout the community
- AA Project 6 - Sustainable Tourism Workshops Final Report
- AA Project 8 - South Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Coral Reef Needs Assessment Study
- AA Project 9 - Inventory Existing Marine Education Programs
- AA Project 10 - Develop a Public Service Announcement
- AA Project 17 - Develop an Education Video for Local Hotels
- AA Project 19 - SEFCRI brochure
- AA Project 32 - Coral Reef Education Signs at Boat Ramps
Fishing, Diving and Other Uses
- Management Considerations for the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem
- Description and Discussion of Southeast Florida Fishery Landings, 1990-2000
- MICCI/FDOU Project 1 - Identification and evaluation of local, state, and federal rules to improve compliance and enforcement of regulations designed to protect coral reef resources and minimize reef impacts
- FDOU Project 10 - A Compilation and Comparison of Social Perceptions on Reef Conditions and Use in Southeast Florida
- FDOU Project 18 & 20A - Fisheries Resource Status and Management Alternatives for the Southeast Florida Region
- FDOU Project 18 & 20B - Development of Management Alternatives for the Southeast Florida Region According to Stakeholder Working Panels
- FDOU Project 19 Phase 1 - A Literature Review of Sources and Effects of Non-extractive Stressors to Coral Reef Ecosystems
- FDOU Project 19b - fulfilled by Reefs at Risk, Revisited
- FDOU Project 23 - Evaluation of the Potential for a Marine Zoning Area for Southeast Florida
- FDOU Project 26 - Communication
- FDOU Project 26 - Our Florida Reefs Community Planning Process Final Document
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Process One-Pager
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Strategic Communications Plan
- FDOU Project 26B - Task 1 - Our Florida Reefs Branding
- FDOU Project 26B - Task 4 - Our Florida Reefs Media Fact Sheet
- FDOU Project 26B - Task 4 - Our Florida Reefs Process Graphic
- FDOU Project 26 - Marine Planner and Decisions Support Tool
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 3 - Task 1 - Assessment of Spatial Analysis Tools in Support of the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Management Options Identification Process (MOIP)
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 3 - Task 4 - Our Florida Reefs Community Meeting Decision Support Tool Demonstration and Public Response Summary
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Process Consultation
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 4 - Data Gathering and Technical Support for the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Decision Support Tool July 2014-October 2014
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Data Gathering and Technical Support for the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative (SEFCRI) Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Decision Support Tool April 2014-June 2014
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 1 - Our Florida Reefs Survey Outreach Efforts
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 2 - Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Survey Results
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 3 - Coordination of the Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Decision Support Tool Project Team
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 5 - Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Marine Planner Metadata
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 6 - Our Florida Reefs Report Bibliography
- FDOU Project 26A - Part 5 - Task 7 - Technical Meeting Support for the Our Florida Reefs Community Working Groups Meetings
- FDOU Project 26 - Facilitation and Meeting Support
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Community Planning Process Community Meetings Summary
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Stakeholder Feedback Summary
- Our Florida Reefs Stakeholder Comments (Note: This takes you to a separate web page)
- Post-Comment Period Our Florida Reefs Stakeholder Comments
- FDOU Project 26B - Our Florida Reefs Community Working Group Scenario Planning Results
- FDOU Projects 29, 30, and 32 - Southeast Florida Marine Debris Reporting & Removal Program
- FDOU Project 33A - Determining Vessel Use Patterns in the Southeast Florida Region
- FDOU Project 33B - Determining Coral Reef Impacts Associated with Boat Anchoring and User Activity in Southeast Florida
- FDOU Project 38 - Reef Protection Campaign for SCUBA Divers
- FDOU Project 51- A Meta-analysis of Water Quality, Fish, and Benthic Data within the Kristin Jacobs Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area
- FDOU Project 52 - Data needs for fisheries management in the Southeast Florida Reef Tract
Maritime Industries and Coastal Construction Impacts
- MICCI Projects 1 & 20 - refer to FDOU Project 1
- MICCI Projects 2 & 22 - Rapid Response and Restoration for Coral Reef Injuries in Southeast Florida: Guidelines and Recommendations
- MICCI Project 3 - A Study to Identify & Evaluate Existing and Emerging Innovative Technologies for Coastal Construction Final Report
- MICCI Projects 4, 21, 23 & 24 - Recommend Modifications to Agency Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement Protocols. Create and Conduct Education and Outreach Training to Increase Enforcement Review and Actions
- Phase 1 Report: Recommend Modifications to Agency Compliance and Enforcement Protocols. Education and Outreach to Increase Enforcement Review and Actions
- Phase 2 Report: Policy Recommendations and Training to Improve Agency Permitting, Compliance, and Enforcement for Coral Reef Conservation in Southeast Florida
- Field Cards: Compliance and Enforcement Field Cards
- MICCI Projects 5, 10, & 12 - Awareness Training for Compliance and Enforcement of Coral and Hardbottom Resource Permitting
- Overview of Corals and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida (Awareness Training - Unit 1, file 1 of 3)
- Overview of Corals and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida (Awareness Training - Unit 1, file 2 of 3)
- Overview of Corals and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida (Awareness Training - Unit 1, file 3 of 3)
- Overview of Corals and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida (Awareness Training - Unit 2)
- Overview of Corals and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida (Awareness Training - Unit 3)
- MICCI Project 6 - Best Management Practices for Construction, Dredge and Fill, and Other Activities Adjacent to Coral Reefs
- Best Management Practices Workshop Proceedings
- MICCI 7 & 11 - Reference Document and Guide to the Evaluation of Permitted Coastal Construction Activities That Affect Coral Reef and Coastal Resources in Southeast Florida
- MICCI Project 8 - A Study to Minimize or Eliminate Hardbottom and Reef Impacts from Anchoring Activities in Designated Anchorages at the Ports of Miami and Palm Beach
- MICCI Projects 9 & 25 - Management Options to Prevent Anchoring, Groundings and Accidental Impacts to Coral Reef and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida
- MICCI Project 13 - Review of Methods, Process, and Agency Response to Citizen Reports of Potential Non-Compliance and Natural Resource Impacts
- MICCI Projects 14, 15, 16 - A Study to Evaluate Reef Recovery Following Injury and Mitigation Structures Offshore Southeast Florida
- MICCI Projects 18 & 19 - Guidelines and Management Practices for Artificial Reef Siting, Usage, Construction and Anchoring in Southeast Florida
- MICCI Project 26 - Methodology for Preparing Cumulative Impact Sections of Project Reviews and Assessments in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin Counties, Florida.
- MICCI Project 27 - Evaluation of Past Coastal Construction Project Monitoring in Southeast Florida and Recommendations to Improve Future Monitoring
- MICCI Project 28
Reef Resilience
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