SLIP Rule and Tool


Current requirements

Section 161.551, Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires state agencies, municipalities, counties, special districts, authorities or other corporate bodies of the state, which commission or manage a construction project within the coastal building zone using funds appropriated from the state to conduct a sea-level impact projection (“SLIP”) study. The SLIP study must be conducted, submitted to the department, and published on the department’s website before construction can commence. The department will maintain a copy of all SLIP studies on this website for 10 years after receipt.

On June 13, 2023, Governor Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 111 into law. This legislation created Section 380.0937, F.S., which modifies the SLIP study requirements for state-financed construction projects within areas at risk due to sea level rise that commence after July 1, 2024. Projects initiated prior to July 1, 2024, remain subject to the current SLIP study requirements and standards.

Section 380.0937, F.S., also directs the department to develop by rule a standard by which a state financed constructor must conduct a SLIP study and to establish a defined threshold for potentially at-risk structure or infrastructure for which replacement cost is not an appropriate metric. To comply with these directives, the Department will conduct rulemaking during the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year to amend Chapter 62S-7, F.A.C. The rule updates only apply to construction not commenced as of July 1, 2024. The rule updates may not apply retroactively to projects that commenced before the July 1, 2024. For additional information, please see the Resilient Florida Rulemaking page.

  • The SLIP tool is now available to help you complete SLIP studies quickly, easily, and at no cost. There are many resources and references on the SLIP tool website that will help you understand how to use the tool to better understand sea level rise and flooding risks.
  • To use the SLIP tool to produce and submit a SLIP study, your local government must create a secure account. It is the account holder’s responsibility to ensure the security of the local government’s log in credentials. If the email used to create a new account matches that of a Legacy SLIP tool account, all previous reports and data will be accessible.
  • For more information about the statute, rule, and tool, you can watch a recording of the Aug. 4, 2021 Coastal Resilience Forum when the tool was unveiled located on the Coastal Resilience Forum page. Advance the recording to timestamp 1:26:14 to go directly to the SLIP tool information.

Last Modified: Monday, Mar 24, 2025 - 01:28pm