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  1. Enforcement Manual

    Model Letters Model Notice of Violation State Lands Proprietary Only- ... State Lands Violations February 2015 PDF [2 MB] Sanitary Sewer Overflow ... Appendices Menu State Lands Proprietary Only Content Revised Version Notice ...

    Beebe_J - 07/17/2024 - 2:05pm

  2. Summary of Hazardous Waste Regulations

    and become effective in Florida prior to adoption by DEP. Land Disposal ... land disposal. These restrictions are called the Land Disposal ... and impermeable floor) for HW storage areas are strongly recommended. A Land ...

    Gregg_J - 09/01/2023 - 9:46am

  3. District and Business Support Program

    provides support for the department's land management programs when they are dealing with questions about actual or potential contamination on land being ...

    Smith_LJ - 04/01/2024 - 1:26pm

  4. Central District- Compliance Assurance Program

    Water Resource Management Wetlands, Stormwater, and State Lands COMPLIANCE ... SLERC - wetlands, surface waters or state lands; dredge and ...

    Fayed_S - 05/02/2024 - 2:39pm

  5. Beach Survey Services

    of survey data collected by BSS surveyors or by private company land ...

    McDearmid_L - 06/07/2022 - 12:33pm

  6. Environmental Education & Outreach

    Solid Waste State Lands State Parks Stormwater Wetlands If you ...

    Fitzsimmons_E - 03/13/2024 - 12:59pm

  7. Central District Outreach- Ombudsman

    River. Solid waste. State lands. State parks. Stormwater. Wetlands. To make ...

    Fayed_S - 07/24/2024 - 2:12pm

  8. Outer Continental Shelf Program

    is a jurisdictional term used to describe those submerged lands that lie seaward ... under federal laws, including the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, ...

    Pearson_E - 03/28/2023 - 9:26am

  9. Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program

    and sovereign submerged lands authorizations. These permits and authorizations, ... into sovereign submerged lands. Activities that are likely to affect ... lands is also addressed in the review process. The application ...

    KennyCarmola_I - 06/11/2024 - 10:26am

  10. SCORP: Outdoor Recreation in Florida

    lands generated $60 billion in consumer spending. 1.2 million jobs ... of land, water, shoreline areas and cultural resources suitable for public use combined with fiscal constraints present public land managers ...

    Knight_P - 05/07/2024 - 8:42am


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