The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is committed to partnering with communities and businesses to protect natural resources and promote economic growth. DEP administers a variety of grants and loans for projects that benefit the environment and local communities.

Clean Vessel Act
International Pumpout Logo Sign Example

  • Clean Vessel Act Grant: Grants for purchase and installation of sewage pumpout facilities and pumpout boats and purchase educational programs for boaters. The program can fund up to 75% of eligible project costs associated with marina waste-handling facilities for recreational boaters. Contact: Brenda Leonard, 850-245-2847 .

Coastal Resources

  • Beach Management Funding Assistance: Up to 50% of project costs available to county and municipal governments, community development districts or special taxing districts for shore protection and preservation activities on the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean or Straits of Florida. Contact: Rob Buda, 850-245-2975,
  • Coastal Partnership Initiative: Competitive federal funds available to Florida’s 35 coastal counties and their municipalities that are required to include a coastal element in comprehensive plans. Florida's public colleges and universities, regional planning councils, national estuary programs and nonprofit groups may also apply for funds if an eligible local government agrees to participate as a partner. Contact: Toni Clanton, 850-245-2094.

Petroleum Cleanup

Recreation and Conservation

  • Florida Communities Trust: The Parks and Open Space Florida Forever Grant Program and the Stan Mayfield Working Waterfronts Florida Forever Grant Program provide funding to local governments and eligible nonprofit organizations to acquire land for parks, open space, greenways, and projects supporting the state’s seafood harvesting and aquaculture industries. Contact:, 850-245-2501.
  • Florida Recreation Development Assistance: State competitive grant program helps local governments acquire and/or develop land for public outdoor recreation. The maximum grant request is $200,000. Contact: Linda Reeves, 850-245-2501.
  • Land and Water Conservation Fund: Federal competitive grant program helps local governments acquire or develop land for public outdoor recreation. The matching ratio is one applicant dollar to one federal dollar for all grant awards (50%/50%). The maximum grant request is $200,000. ContactLinda Reeves, 850-245-2501.
  • Recreational Trails ProgramCompetitive grant program for projects that provide, renovate or maintain motorized and nonmotorized recreational trails, trail heads and trailside facilities. Eligible applicants include local governments, state or federal agencies, federally recognized Indian tribal governments and certain nonprofit organizations. All grant awards must be matched. Contact: Tara Reynolds, 850-245-2501.

Waste Management

Water Quality and Restoration

  • Section 319(h): Federally funded grant for projects that address nonpoint source pollution. Projects/programs must benefit Florida’s priority watersheds; local sponsors must provide at least a 40% match. Contact: Kate Merchant, 850-245-2952.
  • TMDL Water Quality Restoration: State legislative funding for projects that reduce pollutant loads to impaired waters from urban stormwater discharges. Applicant provides a minimum of 50% of the total project cost in matching funds, of which at least 25% are provided by the local government. Contact: Kate Merchant, 850-245-2952.
  • Clean Water State Revolving Fund: Low-interest loans for planning, designing and constructing water pollution control facilities. Small, disadvantaged communities may qualify for grants. Contact: Tim Banks, 850-245-2969.
    • Small Community Wastewater Construction Grants: For small communities and wastewater authorities for planning, designing and building wastewater management facilities. Must be a municipality, county or authority with total population of 10,000 or less and a per capita income less than the state of Florida average PCI. Must accompany a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan. Contact: Tim Banks, 850-245-2969.
  • Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Low-interest loans for planning, designing and constructing public water facilities. Small community assistance is available for those with populations less than 10,000. Contact: Shanin Speas-Frost, 850-245-2991.
  • Deepwater Horizon: Projects considered for funding under the RESTORE Act, Natural Resource Damage Assessment Restoration and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 
Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm