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Performance Based Cleanup (PBC)

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Performance Based Cleanups (PBCs) focus on the completion of milestones on the way to an aggressive, efficient and successful cleanup of petroleum-contaminated facilities. Payments are made based upon measured progress toward reaching the cleanup goal and require the successful completion of tasks/milestones. This method differs from the traditional approach in which payments are made based upon efforts expended regardless of cleanup results. The Agency Term Contractor (ATC) is expected to perform all actions necessary to meet the agreed upon milestones.

Questions or additional comments regarding the PBC program can be referred to Dona Milinkovich, PBC program coordinator, at 850-245-8872 or

PRP Performance Based Cleanup

Return to: Petroleum Cleanup Programs page.

Return to: SOP - 5. Cleanup Phase, Sub-Phase, and Activities page.

Last Modified:
May 29, 2024 - 10:07am

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