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Monthly Dashboard Update

The Petroleum Restoration Program Monthly Dashboard Update is a tool used by our program to define metrics and set goals on restoration of contaminated discharges at petroleum facilities to provide the best value for taxpayers. These reports contain high-level summaries rather than detailed transactions to communicate the state of the business.

We have incorporated into the dashboards valuable information associated with two pillars of the program: the encumbrance activity and the current eligible discharge status. The encumbrance section outlines monthly projections and actual results. The current eligible discharge status depicts aggregate discharge counts broken down into three categories: rehabilitated, undergoing rehabilitation and awaiting rehabilitation. The dashboard groups eligible discharge status by score to ensure that program resources are aligned with department goals.

Petroleum Restoration Program Monthly Dashboard Update

Consolidated Monthly Dashboard Reports for Previous Fiscal Years

Return to: Petroleum Restoration Program 

Last Modified:
October 8, 2024 - 1:39pm

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