Contractor Selection Documents and Reports

  • ATC Work Assignment and Contractor Selection
  • Contractor Work Assignment Details Report – This report shows Work Order information (WO Number, Facility Number and Work Order Amount). You may query all Work Orders issued under a Contractor ID Number (CID) or limit the data to a date range.
  • Deliverables Status Report - The Deliverables Status Report provides deliverable information for reports submitted to the department for the Petroleum Restoration Program. The report provides the county, facility ID, facility name, report type, due date, received date, status date, status, site manager, TA/WO#, contract number (GC #) and purchase order number and can be filtered by facility, work order/task assignment, PO, contract and/or date range.
  • Department Selection of Cleanup Contractor for Consent Order & Final Judgment Sites Using State Funds [Issued 06/06/11]
  • Contractor Selection Formula Batch Calculation Report - This report provides a detailed summary of the batch calculations for the contractor selection formula. The first number in a batch number represents the region (1 = Central, 2 = North and 3 = South). The second number in the Batch Number column represents which number run this was for the specified region.
  • Status of Assignments in Batch - This report provides a status of how many assignments are in a batch and how many have been assigned or declined.
  • ATC Contract Assignment Report - This report provides detailed information associated with agency term contractor selections for petroleum cleanup projects. Due to the large amount of information available in this report, it is recommended that filters such as regions and date ranges be utilized. Please note that the following declines associated with original batches will not show due to the scopes being offered and accepted in a subsequent batch. SPI 5250 from batch 3-1 was declined by CID 1224; SPI 5561 for batch 3-1 was declined by CID 222; and SPI 5332 for batch 1-1 was declined by CID 1224.
  • ITN Performance Score (Posted 12/21/15)

Lists, Maps and ATC Guidance Documents

ATC Subcontractor Verification:

ATC Meeting Presentations

PRP Post for Agency Term Contractors


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Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025 - 03:26pm