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Database Reports & Site Files

STCM/PCT Database Reports

Database queries and Excel reports created from the State Storage Tank and Petroleum Contamination Monitoring (STCM) Database. Information from individual reports can be matched to other reports using the facility identification number.

Electronic Site Files

OCULUS is the Electronic Document Managements System (EDMS) used by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to store documents. Site files are stored under the DEP seven digit facility ID number.

Electronic database for each individual site may not have every paper document available in electronic format at this time. If you have any questions about documents not in the database, please contact Mayra Folsom at 850-245-8696.

OCULUS may not be available between the hours of 9:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. each day due to database backups. This database may also be down during time periods on weekends for preventive maintenance and other technical issues resolution. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you are experiencing problems with the new system, please contact

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Last Modified:
March 13, 2024 - 7:25am

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