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PRP Contacts

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PRP Web Contact List (Updated 10/08/24)
Contact info by area of interest.

PRP Global Contact List (Updated 10/22/24)
Contact info by team/local program county.

Program Lead for Responsible Party Petroleum Cleanup Sites
This map shows which program is lead for oversight of responsible party led petroleum cleanup sites based on the county location. For contact information of lead district refer to the district's webpage. 

Program Lead for State Funded Petroleum Cleanup Sites
This map shows which office is lead for oversight of state funded petroleum cleanup sites based on the county locations. 

For contact information on the local program or Program Teams, please refer to the PRP global contact list above.

Contact Information by Petroleum Site or Location
This report provides information on the appropriate contact for a site by entering the department’s 7-digit facility identification number, selecting the county where the site is located or selecting the city where the site is located.

Last Modified:
October 22, 2024 - 1:52pm

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