LandAp is a water balance computer application that estimates storage requirements and wet-weather discharges for slow rate land application systems. It uses rainfall, reclaimed water inflow, evapotranspiration and ground water outflow to determine the amount of storage needed for times when the water cannot be applied. LandAp is mentioned in Chapter 62-610, F.A.C., (Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application) as an example of an analytical means by which storage can be estimated.
Reuse has become an integral part of wastewater management, water resource management, and ecosystem management in Florida.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) maintains the largest and most comprehensive databases of permitted reuse systems in the world. Domestic wastewater treatment facilities (0.1 million gallons per day and greater) that provide reclaimed water are required to submit annual reuse reports, using DEP Form 62-610.300(3)(a)2, to DEP as well as the applicable water management district.
When domestic wastewater is treated, a solid byproduct accumulates in the wastewater treatment plant and must be removed periodically to keep the plant operating properly. The collected material, called biosolids or more commonly “sewage sludge,” is high in organic content and contains moderate amounts of nutrients that are needed by plants. These characteristics make biosolids valuable as a soil conditioner and fertilizer.
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