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Coral Reef Conservation Program

Reef Injury Prevention and Response Program

As the state's lead trustee for coral reef resources, DEP Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) is charged with response and recovery for coral reef injures on sovereign submerged lands. DEP's CRCP Reef Injury Prevention and Response Program is responsible for leading response to, and management of, coral reef and hardbottom injuries resulting from vessel impacts such as grounding, anchoring and cable drag events.

Maritime Industry and Coastal Construction Impacts Focus Area

The Maritime Industry and Coastal Construction Impacts (MICCI) Focus Area was formed to address coastal construction and maritime industry activities that have the potential of impacting our coastal habitats and coral reefs. Activities such as vessel anchoring and groundings, infrastructure installation (e.g., cables, pipelines and outfalls), beach nourishment, and dredge and fill operations in and around coral reefs and coastal habitats can adversely affect these sensitive ecosystems.

Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative Technical Advisory Committee

The Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative Technical Advisory Committee serves as an advisory board to assist the SEFCRI team in developing and interpreting research and technical information  to identify and implement priority actions needed to reduce key threats to coral reef resources in southeast Florida. The Technical Advisory Committee is comprised of leading research scientists in the fields of coral reef ecology, water quality, oceanography, geology, fisheries, socioeconomics, resource management, chemistry and biology. 


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