The Land-Based Sources of Pollution (LBSP) Focus Area was formed to address impacts to corals resulting from both point and non-point land-based sources of pollution. Point and non-point sources of pollution result in unintentional but very real stresses on coral reef ecosystem health. Due to the research nature of many of the LBSP projects, the LBSP Area works closely with the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative Technical Advisory Committee, constituted by leading research scientists in the fields of coral reef ecology, water quality, geology, chemistry and biology.


The primary objective of the LBSP Focus Area is to characterize the link between pollution and southeast Florida's reefs, and identify, design and implement activities to reduce LBSP affecting coral reef ecosystems.

Project Examples

LBSP projects include mapping Florida's Coral Reef and identifying benthic habitats; a bio-marker study observing the impacts of pollution on coral reefs; identification and implementation of best management practices to limit pollution; studies to determine the source and extent of pollution originating from groundwater sources, outfall pipes, atmospheric sources and ocean inlets; and collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on a pilot water quality monitoring project in the northern section of Florida's Coral Reef.

See links to select products below and view all land-based sources of pollution project products

Desired Outcomes

  • Characterize the existing condition of the coral reef ecosystem.
  • Quantify and characterize the land-based sources of pollution.
  • Identify how these sources of pollution impact the coral reef.
  • Develop strategies to reduce the impact of land-based sources of pollution.
  • Increase public awareness and understanding of the effects of land-based sources of pollution on water quality and coral reefs.

Additional Resources

For more information on the Land-Based Sources of Pollution Focus area, please contact the coordinator:

Last Modified: Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025 - 08:46am