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Alternative Restoration Plans

Shell, Prairie, and Joshua Creeks RAP

Shell, Prairie, and Joshua Creeks Reasonable Assurance Plan

This RAP was developed by the Southwest Florida Water Management District in cooperation with DEP, DACS, agricultural producers and others. There are 41 signatories to the Plan which sets forth actions to reduce chlorides, conductivity, and total dissolved solids in numerous waterbodies from these watersheds.

Reasonable Assurance Plans (RAPs) Category 4b Assessments and Documentation

EPA regulations allow states to place certain impaired water bodies into Category 4b of the Integrated Report Categories instead of Category 5 – Impaired and needs a TMDL. The Florida Watershed Restoration Act (section 403.067(4), Florida Statutes) explicitly allows DEP to not list impaired waters under Category 5 if they already have control programs in place that will ensure water quality standards will be restored.


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