
Form 62-761.900(3) Part G

Other Forms Needed, Examples, and Links

Trust Fund Specific Guidance

  • The Trustee name must match (including punctuation and abbreviations) the legal entity name. Use of fictitious or trademark names is not appropriate. This can often be verified on the FDIC website.
  • The Trustee entering into this agreement must be an entity which has the authority to act as a trustee and whose trust operations are regulated and examined by a Federal or State agency.
    • This can usually be verified on the FDIC website link below - be sure to choose "Trust Powers Granted" in “Common Searches”. 
    • State-chartered companies with trust powers granted in Florida are listed in the FLOFR website link below.

What to Do with Completed Forms

  • An owner or operator must maintain financial responsibility records (copies of the completed form parts with required supporting documentation) at the facility or at their business office.
  • If not kept at the facility, they shall be made available at the facility or another agreed upon location upon five business days notice by a department or county inspector.

Return to the Storage Tank Financial Assurance Forms (Mechanisms) webpage.

Form Number: 
62-761.900(3) Part G
Effective-Revision Date: 
Friday, February 7, 2020
Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:37pm