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Mitigation and Mitigation Banking

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State 404 Program Public Notice: Mitigation Banking
Mitigation Banking Ledgers (FDEP)

Mitigation banking is a practice in which an environmental enhancement and preservation project is conducted by a public agency or private entity (“banker”) to provide mitigation for unavoidable wetland impacts within a defined region (mitigation service area). The bank is the site itself, and the currency sold by the banker to the impact permittee is a credit, which represents the wetland ecological value equivalent to the complete restoration of one acre. The number of potential credits permitted for the bank and the credit debits required for impact permits are determined by the permitting agencies.

UMAM is the method of assessment for banks established after Feb. 2, 2004.

Chapter 373.4135, Florida Statutes, states: “Mitigation banks and offsite regional mitigation should emphasize the restoration and enhancement of degraded ecosystems and the preservation of uplands and wetlands as intact ecosystems rather than alteration of landscapes to create wetlands. This is best accomplished through restoration of ecological communities that were historically present.”

The Mitigation Bank Statute, 373.4136, and Mitigation Bank Rule, 62-342, provide the framework for permitting banks. Mitigation banks are authorized by a state permit, issued by either a water management district or the department, and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a Mitigation Bank Instrument (MBI). The Corps maintains a website for federally approved or under-review wetland mitigation banks called “RIBITS.” The map below represents state-issued mitigation banks. Additional information on rules and procedures related to mitigation banking can be found in our Mitigation Banking Rule and Procedure Synopsis

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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) shapefiles of state-permitted mitigation banks and mitigation bank service areas can be accessed from DEP’s GIS Geodata Directory.

For additional information regarding a specific mitigation bank, we recommend you contact the correct mitigation bank permitting agency below.

Mitigation Banks Issued

Issued by Florida Department of Environmental Protection

The department's mitigation banking files are available to the public through the Electronic Document Management System (OCULUS) or through the department's Nexus DEP Information Portal. Please send any questions regarding DEP issued mitigation banks to For a list of Mitigation Bank staff please visit our Contacts page

To check on credit availability for each Department Mitigation Bank please view our Mitigation Bank Ledgers. Additionally, a copy of the Mitigation Bank Credit Availability Form is available for use on the Florida Association of Mitigation Bankers website.

Issued by St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)

For additional information on these banks, please contact the agency or visit the SJRWMD mitigation bank website.

Issued by Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD)

For additional information on these banks, please contact the agency or visit the SWFWMD e-permitting website.

Issued by South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)

For additional information on these banks, please contact the agency or the SFWMD e-permitting website.

Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD)

The department is responsible for permitting mitigation banks within the NWFWMD boundaries. Please use the department's interactive Mitigation Banking Map for more information regarding available banks.  

To determine if a bank has appropriate credits available for purchase please visit the department's mitigation bank ledgers. For additional information regarding permitting of an ERP project through NWFWMD please contact them directly.

Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD)

The department is responsible for permitting mitigation banks within the SRWMD boundaries. Please use the department's interactive Mitigation Banking Map for more information regarding available banks.  

To determine if a bank has appropriate credits available for purchase please visit the department's mitigation bank ledgers. For additional information regarding permitting of an ERP project through SRWMD please contact them directly.

Last Modified:
September 30, 2024 - 7:51am

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