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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Content

Title Type
MICCI Project 4, 21, 23, 24 Field Guides Publication
MICCI Project 4, 21, 23, 24 Phase 1 Report Publication
MICCI Project 4, 21, 23, 24 Phase 2 Report Publication
MICCI Project 6 - Best Management Practices for Construction, Dredge and Fill and Other Activities Adjacent to Coral Reefs Publication
MICCI Project 7 & 11 - Reference Document and Guide to the Evaluation of Permitted Coastal Construction Activities That Affect Coral Reef and Coastal Resources in Southeast Florida Publication
MICCI Project 8 - A Study to Minimize or Eliminate Hardbottom and Reef Impacts from Anchoring Activities in Designated Anchorages at the Ports of Miami and Palm Beach Publication
MICCI Project 9 & 25 - Management Options to Prevent Anchoring, Groundings and Accidental Impacts to Coral Reef and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida Phase II Publication
MICCI Project 9 & 25 - Management Options to Prevent Anchoring, Groundings and Accidental Impacts to Coral Reef and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida Phase III Publication
MICCI Project 9 & 25 - Management Options to Prevent Anchoring, Groundings and Accidental Impacts to Coral Reef and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida Phase IV Publication
MICCI Project 9 & 25 - Management Options to Prevent Anchoring, Groundings and Accidental Impacts to Coral Reef and Hardbottom Resources in Southeast Florida, Phase I Publication
MICCI Projects 14, 15, & 16 - A Study to Evaluate Reef Recovery Following Injury and Mitigation Structures Offshore Southeast Florida Publication
MICCI Projects 4_21_23_24 - Awareness Training for Compliance and Enforcement of Coral and Hardbottom Resource Permitting Unit 1 Publication
Microhabitat Characteristics Used by Newly Settled Fishes in Nearshore Hardbottom Habitats Presentation Publication
Microscopic and Microbial Insights into the Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) Outbreak Across Multiple Coral Species on Florida’s Coral Reef Publication
Monitoring Overview: Hardbottom Monitoring Publication
Monroe County General Content
Monthly Beach Cleanup (10/22) Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup (9/25) Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup - 11/25 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup - 6/22 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup - 7/23 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup - 7/27 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup - 8/27 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup -11/26 Event or Public Notice
Monthly Beach Cleanup at GTM Event or Public Notice


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