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Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Content

Title Type
LBSP Combined Projects 1 & 2 - Review of Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Water Quality Standards Publication
LBSP Project 17 - Stakeholder Meetings to Present New LBSP Info Publication
LBSP Project 32a - The Origin of Nitrogen Isotope Values in Algae Publication
LBSP Project 33 - Identify sources and signals of land-based pollutants in southeast Florida using human enteroviruses as and indicator of fecal contamination Publication
LBSP Project 5 (Phase I)- Southeast Florida Coral Biomarker Local Action Study Publication
LBSP Project 5 (Phase II)- Southeast Florida Coral Biomarker Local Action Study Publication
LBSP Project 6 - Broward County Benthic Mapping Publication
LBSP Project 7 - Palm Beach County Benthic Habitat Mapping Publication
LBSP Project 7 - Palm Beach County Mapping Publication
LBSP Project 9 - Martin County Benthic Habitat Mapping Publication
Lee County General Content
Lemon Bay Aquatic Preserve Managed Location
Letter of Credit Form
Levy County General Content
Levy County Amenities Publication
Lifelong Learners: Adult Coastal Camp - 7/9-11 Event or Public Notice
Lignumvitae Key Aquatic Preserve Managed Location
Lignumvitae Key Aquatic Preserve Management Plan Publication
Lignumvitae Key Aquatic Preserve Management Plan Public Meeting Event or Public Notice
Lignumvitae Key Aquatic Preserve Mgt Plan Public Meeting Event or Public Notice
Lignumvitaekey Aquatic Preserve Management Plan Public Forum Event or Public Notice
Literature Review and Synthesis of Land-Based Sources of Pollution Affecting Essential Fish Habitats in Southeast Florida Publication
Literature Review of Sources and Effects of Non-extractive Stressors to Coral Reef Ecosystems Publication
Living Shorelines Event or Public Notice
Living Shorelines Event or Public Notice


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