T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula State Park - Looking out over the marsh

The Division of Waste Management encourages the use of the full range of available cleanup strategies and techniques to achieve the most cost-effective and efficient cleanups. In keeping with this approach, the Division maintains the Innovative Technology Acceptance program. This program provides a way to evaluate and recognize innovative technologies to be considered for the cleanup of contaminated sites. Recognition by the department that technologies are acceptable provides a degree of exposure and credibility that may result in the use of these technologies on a greater number of contaminated sites.

The Division does not endorse these innovative technologies as preferred over other technologies. Innovative technologies that have been accepted by the department are not necessarily appropriate for cleanup of all sites and should not be considered a presumptive remedy by virtue of being accepted by the department. Selection of the appropriate strategy for cleanup of a site should be based on a thorough technical evaluation of site-specific factors including extent and degree of contamination, type of media contaminated, soil and aquifer characteristics and cost-effectiveness.

This is a voluntary program, technologies do not have to be accepted through this program to be proposed in a Remedial Action Plan. There may be viable innovative technologies that either have not applied for acceptance or have applied but have not yet worked their way through the acceptance process, and as a result do not appear on our list of accepted technologies. It is not the intent of this program to exclude such technologies from consideration as viable cleanup methods.

An application form is available for vendors or proponents of innovative technologies to apply to the department for the acceptance of their technology. The application form can be found below. The application materials are also available by contacting:

Elena Compton, P.E.

Innovative Technology Coordinator/ Reviewer
District and Business Support Program, Mail Station 4535
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
2600 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

In evaluating technologies, the department will look at the viability of technologies based on  theoretical principles of their operation and also considers issues such as environmental, regulatory and permitting issues, safety, and possible limitations on the effective application in various cleanup situations and environmental conditions based on information provided by the applicant.

This process is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all considerations of the technology and does not relieve the Professional Engineer who is considering incorporating the technology into a Remedial Action Plan from a thorough consideration of these and other issues, including cost-effectiveness.  As such, the issuance of an Innovative Technology Acceptance Letter is not, and should not be construed to be, a certification or endorsement of the technology’s effectiveness or applicability for a specific contaminated site cleanup.

Innovative Technologies


Underground Injection Control for Innovative Technologies
Honeymoon Island State Park - Tidal pool and Red sky


Algal Bloom Innovative Technology Information


Announcements and Additional Information

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Last Modified: Friday, Dec 13, 2024 - 05:57pm