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Office of Greenways and Trails

September 2024 activity month header

September can still be on the warm side for outdoor recreation in Florida, but certain special things in the outdoors can only be seen in summer. Take the enchanting ghost orchid of southwest Florida. Their striking white blossoms appear to be dancing and they typically bloom during the humid summer months. One of these amazing orchids is often visible from the boardwalks of Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Our September 11 Outdoor Florida Webinar speaker, Keith Laakkonen, will tell us all about this 13,400 plus acre sanctuary, known for having the largest stand of old-growth bald cypress in the world, as well as ghost orchids. From the 2.25-mile boardwalk, you can also spot alligators, otters, white-tailed deer, a wide variety of wading birds, and more. So, don’t miss it!

September is also a good time for giving some TLC to those places we love. The International Coastal Cleanup occurs on September 21st and National Public Lands Day falls on September 28th. Find some cleanup events near you!

October, Greenways and Trails month, is just around the corner! Help us celebrate on Saturday, October 5th by joining us for our second annual First Day Bikes. This event in Tallahassee will take place at the Capital Circle Trailhead on the Tallahassee-St. Marks Trail. Join us from 10:00am to 1:00pm for an outdoor expo featuring educational booths, local food trucks and other cycling activities. There will also be scheduled group bike rides to enjoy alongside the expo. 

September 2024 activity month calendar

For more information on requesting a speaker, visit the Contact Us webpage. 

Florida Coast-to-Coast Trail Story Map Guide

The Florida Coast-to-Coast Trail (C2C) was conceived as an ambitious effort to create a continuous paved multi-use trail across the state of Florida from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, the first state trail of its kind in the United States. It will span approximately 250 miles and is currently 88 percent complete. The trail will link communities between St. Petersburg and Titusville along its entire length, allowing residents and visitors to explore Central Florida by bicycle or foot. The trail is linking all or part of several existing multi-use trails and will be managed by a broad range of communities and agencies. The Coast-to-Coast Trail Alliance is coordinated by OGT. For more information, visit OGT's C2C Alliance webpage.

The Coast-to-Coast Story Map Guide is the culmination of efforts to create a practical, adaptable, accessible mode for communicating information about the trail including wayfinding, alternate routes for large gaps, amenities and local information. 

Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail Mapping Update

The initial scouting and mapping of the 1,515-mile Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail (CT) was completed in 2007, but periodic updates are needed for a trail of this length and magnitude. For our latest map upgrade, we changed the appearance and scope of the 26 segment maps to make them clearer and more informative. For more information, visit OGT's CT segments webpage. We have also created a CT Story Map and a Suwannee River Wilderness State Trail Story Map.

Save the Date for our monthly Outdoor Florida Webinar Series

Outdoor Florida Webinar Series

For more information, visit the Outdoor Florida Webinar Series webpage.

Trail Safety Video

With our sunny skies and active lifestyles, Florida’s residents and visitors enjoy exploring our numerous miles of trails. Trail safety is important, particularly where trails and roadways cross. We all need to do our part to protect one another and prevent accidents. Whether as a motorist or trail user, we have a shared responsibility to:

  • Look and listen.
  • Obey signs and markings.
  • Take responsibility for our own safety.

The Florida Department of Transportation and the DEP's Division of Recreation and Parks joined together to put the spotlight on this important topic by developing a Trail Safety Video.

Feel free to share or download the video along with the extra information found below ... and remember to Always Put Safety First.

                                         More Trail Safety Information
Trail Safety Poster
Trail Safety at Crossings

For even more information on trail safety, please visit our Assistance and Resources webpage.


Do you enjoy hiking, biking, paddling or horseback riding? OGT, within the Division of Recreation and Parks, provides statewide leadership and coordination to establish, expand and promote non-motorized trails that make up the Florida Greenways and Trails System, pursuant to the Florida Greenways and Trails Act (Chapter 260, Florida Statutes). More can be found in the OGT office overview and historical timeline

"Florida's Growing Trail System" article in the March/April 2019 issue of Quality Cities Magazine provides an overview of Florida's trail system and Trail Town program.

To be included in OGT's online calendar, send regional and state event announcements to Doug Alderson.

Featured Publications:

Florida trails 500-plus miles in length:


Two Equestrians in Apalachicola State Forest

Popular Publications

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