Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL)

The Coastal Construction Control Line defines that portion of the beach and dune system subject to severe fluctuations based on a 100-year storm event and establishes the landward limit of jurisdiction of DEP's CCCL Program along sandy beaches of the state which front on the Gulf of America, the Atlantic Ocean and the Straits of Florida. Unless otherwise exempt, a permit is required from DEP for construction and excavation activities seaward of the CCCL. 

The CCCL is not a seaward limit for construction of upland structures (as in a setback line), but is a jurisdictional area where special siting and design considerations are necessary to protect the beach and dune system, proposed or existing structures, adjacent properties, public beach access, native salt-tolerant coastal vegetation and marine turtles.

On sandy “pocket beach” areas in counties where no CCCL has been established pursuant to section 161.053, Florida Statutes (F.S.), such as in Florida’s Big Bend region and in the Florida Keys, coastal construction is prohibited within 50 feet of the line of mean high water except by waiver or variance of the 50-foot setback requirements pursuant to section 161.052, F.S., which requires a CCCL permit application.

Descriptions of CCCL Permitting Forms

How to Apply for a CCCL Permit

A guidance document is available to assist you with completing and submitting CCCL permit applications. 

  • For guidance regarding an Individual Administrative Permit, General Permit, Emergency Permit or a Dune Core Permit, please see our CCCL Permit Application Guidelines document.

How to Submit Electronic Documents

Here are instructions on the submittal of CCCL applications and supporting and other documents for review and approval.  CCCL documents may be sent via email or by uploading larger files to an ftp server. CCCL fees must be submitted via mail or hand delivered, as an on-line payment system is not yet available to collect processing fees.

Last Modified: Monday, Feb 24, 2025 - 03:51pm