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Division of State Lands

Buy Land From the State

The state of Florida owns and oversees management of approximately 3.8 million acres of uplands (which includes 500,000 acres of conservation easements). Most of the land is actively used by state agencies for recreation or conservation purposes, which are protected by the Florida Constitution in perpetuity.

Sell Land to the State

The Division of State Lands is able to purchase conservation property that is within a project on an approved Florida Forever acquisition list. Florida Forever is the state’s plan for conserving Florida's natural resources and renewing our commitment to conserve natural and cultural heritage. Florida Forever replaced the successful Preservation 2000 program (P2000).

Land Stewardship

Florida is home to more than 4 million acres of conservation land. Most of these lands are open to the public for recreation, and nearly all require some form of stewardship. The Division of State Lands leases these lands to state agencies and local governments to manage.

The division has leased over 480 conservation areas for use as parks, preserves, forests, wildlife management areas, historic sites and recreation areas. 

Land Acquisition Process

Once it has been determined that the state of Florida will be able to work with a landowner toward acquiring a parcel, DEP’s Division of State Lands’ Bureau of Real Estate Services becomes involved. This bureau is responsible for acquiring conservation property under the Florida Forever program. The Bureau of Real Estate Services has two sections that ensure the process is completed - the Negotiation section and the Closing section.


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