What are Wastewater to Wetlands?

Chapter 62-611, F.A.C., provides state regulations and standards for domestic wastewater discharges to wetlands.  

The rule establishes (1) the quality and quantity of wastewater which may be discharged to wetlands and (2) the quality of water discharged from wetlands to contiguous surface waters. It also provides water quality, vegetation, and wildlife standards (which provide protection of other wetland functions and values) and establishes permitting procedures and extensive monitoring requirements for wastewater discharges to wetlands.

Chapter 62-611, F.A.C., classifies wetlands based on the level of treatment provided by the wastewater facility (secondary treatment with nitrification or advanced wastewater treatment), background hydrology of the wetland (hydrologically altered or hydrologically unaltered), wetland’s origin (man-made or natural), and the type of vegetation (herbaceous or woody). A Domestic Wastewater Wetlands Chart for a graphic representation of the wetland systems types which may be permitted by the department will be available soon.

The rule promotes the use of man-made (constructed) and hydrologically altered wetlands by requiring less monitoring and allowing higher hydraulic and nutrient loading rates for those systems. These regulatory incentives attempt to create and restore wetlands. Many wetland systems are classified as reuse of reclaimed water per Rule 62-610.810(2)(g), F.A.C., which states that if the applicant provides an affirmative demonstration that reclaimed water will be used to create, restore, or enhance wetlands, the project shall be classified as "reuse." 

Environmental Resource Permitting (Wetlands Dredge and Fill)

Chapter 62-611, F.A.C., does not regulate dredging and filling within wetlands. This is done through the Wetland Environmental Resource Permit program (SLERP) and Chapter 62-340, F.A.C.  For more information on wetland resource permitting, it is best to contact the SLERP program of the appropriate DEP district office.

Last Modified: Thursday, Dec 05, 2024 - 03:13pm