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Domestic Wastewater Program Content

Title Type
Monitoring for Protozoan Pathogens in Reclaimed Water: Florida's Requirements and Experience Publication
Notice of Intent to Use a Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities Under Rules 62-621.500(2)(a) or (b), F.A.C. Form
Notification of Availability of Record Drawings and Final Operation and Maintenance Manuals Form
Notification of Completion of Construction for a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System Form
Notification of Completion of Construction for Wastewater Facilities or Activities Form
Notification/Application For Constructing A Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System Form
Ocean Outfall Study Appendices Publication
Ocean Outfall Study Main Report Publication
OMPR Attachment 1, List of Components, Systems, and Processes to be Evaluated Publication
OMPR Attachment 2, Field Evaluation Form for Operation and Maintenance Performance Reports for Domestic Wastewater Facilities Publication
OMPR Table 1, Operation and Maintenance Performance Report Outline Publication
Other Agencies' Reuse Programs General Content
Outline for Applicants Seeking a DEP Septage Management Facility Permit Publication
PDF of 2nd Potable Reuse Workshop Presentation Publication
Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity Application Form 2F Form
Potable Reuse Frequently Asked Questions Publication
Potable Reuse Presentation 01-14-2021 Publication
Preliminary Design Report Guidelines for Domestic Wastewater Permitting Publication
Presentation - August 31, 2022, Chapter 62-604, F.A.C., Rulemaking Public Workshop Publication
Presentation - Collection Systems Rulemaking Workshop, November 19, 2020 Publication
Public Notification Requirements for Public Access Reuse Systems General Content
Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities Publication
Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities 1997 Publication
Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities 2004 Publication
Related Links General Content


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