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Domestic Wastewater Program Content

Title Type
Guidelines for Preparation of Operation and Maintenance Performance Reports Publication
Guidelines for Preparation of Reuse Feasibility Studies for Applicants Having Responsibility for Wastewater Management Publication
Guidelines for Preparation of Reuse Feasibility Studies for Consumptive Use Permit Applicants Publication
Hurricane Preparedness for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facilities Publication
Industrial Uses of Reclaimed Water General Content
Instructions for Completing the Pretreatment Discharge Monitoring Report Publication
Instructions for Submitting Independent Documents and Engineer Report Cover Letters Publication
Irrigation at Plant Nurseries Publication
Irrigation of Golf Courses Publication
July 2015 Ocean Outfall Report Publication
July 2020 Ocean Outfall Report Publication
June 2010 Ocean Outfalls Report Publication
Laboratory Certification Notice Publication
Laboratory Certification Notice Publication
LandAp2010 Publication
LandAp2010 General Content
Links to Other Related Wastewater Sites General Content
Links to References, Guidance and Other Useful Information for Chapter 62-640, F.A.C. General Content
List of Potential Toxic, Hazardous, and Industrial Waste Generators Publication
List of Wastewater Facilities Potentially Accepting Septage Publication
Local Limit Information and Development System, LLID2020 Publication
March 26, 2020 Public Meeting Agenda on 62-640 F.A.C. Publication
May 27, 2016 Joint DEP DOH Letter to Septage Haulers Publication
Method for Mercury Testing Publication
Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms, Fifth Edition Publication


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