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The Florida Geological Survey Mapping Initiative (FGSMI) serves as the framework for accomplishing a long-term goal set by the Florida Geological Survey (FGS) to update the statewide surficial geologic map of Florida.  The last published statewide surficial geologic map of Florida was published by Scott, et al. (2001).

Karst Studies

Karst features are important in understanding surface water-groundwater interactions. Karst features include sinks, seeps, swallets and springs. Research in this area includes identifying recharge and discharge areas; investigating groundwater contribution to surface water via springs and seeps, including seepage of groundwater in coastal zones; support data collection and modeling efforts that address karst hydrogeologic settings; and quantify interactions for regulatory purposes.

Recent FGS projects in this research area include:


Evaluating surface water and groundwater chemistry is critical to ensure good quality drinking water. Research in this area includes water-rock interaction and metals mobilization during Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR); Florida springs and aquifer system ambient geochemical data collection and interpretation; and water quality trends analysis. See below for more detailed information regarding Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Florida.

Sinkhole Research

Sinkholes are a geological hazard that place people’s property and even lives at risk. Vulnerability of an area to sinkhole formation is dependent upon both natural (geologic, hydrologic, and meteorologic) and human (water pumping, terraforming, ground loading) factors. As Florida’s population continues to surge and development encroaches on vulnerable regions, the potential for encountering a sinkhole hazard in areas with favorable geology increases.


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