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Industrial Wastewater Program Content

Title Type
Notice of Termination Generic Permit for Discharge of Ground Water from Dewatering Operations Form
Notice of Termination of Coverage Under the Generic Permit for Pollutant Discharges to Surface Waters of the State from the Application of Pesticides Form
Notice of Termination of Generic National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) Permit for Discharges of Pollutants to Surface Waters of the State Generated by Experimental Technologies for Control of Harmful Algal Blooms Form
Notification Form to Use General Permit for Disposal of Fresh Citrus Fruit Wash Water Form
Notification of Availability of Record Drawings and Final Operation and Maintenance Manuals Form
Notification of Completion of Construction for Wastewater Facilities or Activities Form
Permit Application for Permit to Discharge Demineralization Concentrate - Form 2DC Form
Permit to Discharge Non-Process Wastewater from New or Existing Industrial Wastewater Facilities to Ground Waters - Application Form 2EG Form
Permit to Discharge Non-Process Wastewater from New or Existing Industrial Wastewater Facilities to Surface Waters - Application Form 2ES Form
Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity - Application Form 2F Form
Request for Coverage Under the Generic Permit for Discharges from Fresh Citrus Fruit Packinghouses to Percolation Ponds Form
Sand and Limestone Mine General Permit Notification Form Form
Sanitary Sewer Overflows Publication
Sanitary Sewer Overflows (Spanish Version) Publication
Satellite Collection Systems Publication
Satellite Collection Systems (Spanish Version) Publication
Tomato Wash Water General Permit Notification Form Form
Wastewater Facility or Activity Permit Application - General Information - Form 1 Form


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