Financial Assurance Forms and Forms Guidance

For proof of financial assurance, originally signed duplicates of financial instruments shall be submitted on the appropriate parts of DEP Form 62-701.900(5), pursuant to Rule 62-701.630(6)(a), F.A.C. When one of these form is properly completed and signed, it becomes a financial assurance instrument. All forms once signed must be sent to the Tallahassee Office.

Send original signature financial assurance instruments to:

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Financial Assurance Working Group
2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 4548
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Form Guidance is found on each "form page" linked below. A general information document provides guidance on multimedia features on these forms.

If a letter of credit, bond or insurance is used, a standby trust fund agreement [Form 62-701.900(5)(h)] is also required.

Financial Assurance Forms

Besides the form, most of these pages contain form guidance, example amendments and a link to the Standby Trust Fund Agreement when one is required.

Interlocal Agreements

  • Three counties (Orange, Santa Rosa and Escambia) have agreements with DEP that allow for separate county cost estimates to be submitted to the county and the financial assurance mechanism submitted to DEP must cover the higher of the county and DEP estimates.
  • The county agreements page includes specific county agreements and required documents.

Delegation of Authority Letter

Signatory for the owner or operator on bonds, trust funds and letters of credit cover letters should normally be the president of a corporation, managing member of an LLC, or equivalent for entity type. If the name of the president (or equivalent) is not found on the Florida Division of Corporations (Sunbiz), or if anyone else signs, additional documentation will be required. 

This sample delegation of authority letter includes guidance.

Other Solid Waste Forms

Information for Facilities Requiring Financial Assurance

Contact Information, 850-245-8793 (hazardous waste) (disponible para ayuda en español), 850-245-8888 (South, Southwest, and Northeast Solid Waste facilities, Used Oil Processing facilities and Tanks), 850-245-8974 (Central, Northwest, Southeast Solid Waste facilities, Used Oil Processing facilities and Tanks)

Shared mailbox:
If your district representative cannot be reached, feel free to contact any of the other team members.



Solid Waste Financial Assurance Main Page  *  Cost Estimates  *  County Agreements  *  Facility List: Solid Waste   *  Facility List: Used Oil  *  Facility List: WasteTires  *  Forms and Form Guidance  *  Provider Companies  *  Rules & Related Laws


Last Modified: Monday, Dec 02, 2024 - 10:52am