Alternative Restoration Plans

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is working statewide to encourage local stakeholders to develop plans at the earliest practical time to restore waters not meeting state water quality standards. Early implementation of restoration activities is more cost effective, and may allow the department to forgo certain regulatory steps (most notably, the development of total maximum daily

Aquatic Preserve Program

Florida has 43 aquatic preserves, encompassing 2.9 million acres, along Florida's coastline, except for four located inland near springs and rivers. All of these waters are ours to enjoy and protect.

Aquifer Protection Program - UIC

Implements Florida's Underground Injection Control program, which provides necessary disposal while protecting underground sources of drinking water.

Beach Survey Services

Maintains a statewide geodetic control network and surveys the coastline of Florida.


Protect, restore and manage Florida's coastal systems and 825 miles of sandy coastline.

Beaches Funding Program

Grants to local governments for the planning and implementation of beach and inlet management projects.

Beaches, Inlets and Ports Program

Manages permits for coastal construction seaward of the mean high water line as well as permits for activities such as pier construction and navigational dredging of deepwater ports and inlets.

Bioassessment Program

Biological assessment is an applied scientific discipline that uses the response of resident aquatic biological communities to various stressors as a method of evaluating ecosystem health.

Budget and Planning

Assists programs with appropriations strategy development and uncommon funding situations, coaches employees to develop expertise in budgeting and planning.

Bureau of Appraisal

Supports land acquisition, disposition and management by contracting with independent appraisers throughout the state for unbiased opinion of the overall value of property to be purchased or sold.