Certification and Restoration Program

Oversees professional licensing of water and wastewater treatment operators.

Clean Boating Programs

Marina facilities voluntarily unite under the Florida Clean Marina Program and Clean Boating Program to implement environmental best management practices.

Clean Vessel Act Grant Program

Provides funding assistance for the purchase, installation and maintenance of pumpout equipment for marinas.

Coastal Construction Control Line Program

Protects coastal systems by regulating structures and activities that can cause beach erosion, destabilize dunes, damage upland properties, or interfere with public access.

Coastal Engineering and Geology Group

The Coastal Engineering and Geology Group (CEGG) provides technical expertise and assistance to the beach erosion control and regulatory programs of the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection.

Coral Protection and Restoration Program

Supports the holistic management of Florida’s Coral Reef by providing leadership for coral reef initiatives and by effectively administering state funding for Florida’s Coral Reef priorities

Coral Reef Conservation Program

Coordinates research and monitoring, develops management strategies, and promotes partnerships to protect the coral reefs, hard-bottom communities, and associated reef resources of southeast Florida.

Customer Support Services

Customer Support Services is responsible for the Statewide Service Desk which includes a call center, support for computer hardware, standard software applications and computer peripherals.

Deepwater Horizon

Assistance for the projects funded by the Deepwater Horizon settlement under the RESTORE Act, Natural Resource Damage Assessment Restoration, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

District and Business Support Program

The District and Business Support Program provides technical support services to the division and DEP district offices.