Green School Designation

Environmental guidelines help Florida primary and secondary schools evaluate operations, set goals and take specific actions to improve environmental performance.

Human Resource Management

Provides efficient, effective and high-quality human resource management processes that attract, develop and retain key talent.

Industrial Wastewater

Regulates facilities and activities that discharge to surface waters and ground waters of the state.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit Section conducts audits and reviews of the department's programs and activities, pursuant to 20.055, F.S.

Internal Investigations

The Internal Investigations Section conducts preliminary inquiries, reviews or investigations into complaints received, pursuant to 20.055, F.S.


Information about current and ongoing topics of interest to the public.

Land Acquisition and Administration

Identifies, evaluates, and establishes priorities for the Division of Recreation and Parks’ land acquisition program.

Land and Recreation Grants Section

Promotes programs that foster partnerships to enhance and sustain Florida’s natural and cultural resources, and provide increased outdoor recreational opportunities for Florida’s residents and visitors.

Management Plans

DISTRICTWIDE MANAGEMENT PLANS The Florida Division of Recreation & Parks is administratively divided into five districts: Northwest (District 1), Northeast (District 2), Central (District 3), Southwest (District 4) and Southeast (District 5). To search by park name, hold down the "CTRL" Key and press the "F" Key and a search bar will "pop-up" on your screen. The Office of Park Planning has

Maps and Data

FGS has a number of resources for geologic data and information.